With thousands of social networks globally, only a handful of them cater specifically to a special group of individuals, known as Generation-Y. Also known as Gen-Y or millennials, Generation-Y are individuals born between 1980 and 1995, at a volume of 80 million strong.
Gen-Y was raised on technology, so much so that our cell phones are extensions of our hands and text messaging, instant messaging and Facebooking are how we interact with others, even different generations. While Facebook is our home sweet home, there are various other social networks out there that cater to this demographic and are worth looking at.
If you’re in Gen-Y, then the following social networks will help you connect with other Gen-Y’ers in new and exciting ways. You may be familiar with some and others may be brand new to you. Older generations can learn a lot from these communities, to better understand who we are and what we’re about. One of the major concerns corporations are facing these days is how to cope with Gen-Y, yet many of them don’t take the time to get to know us better. These networks are great places for you to start if you’re in any generation, but are “must-joins” for Gen-Y.
1. BrazenCareerist.com
2. 20somethings.ning.com
3. My.BarackObama.com
4. myYearbook.com
5. thequad.com
6. CoolPeopleCare.com
7. Unigo.com
8. MakeMeSustainable.com
9. iMantri.com
10. FDCareer.com
Source: http://mashable.com/2009/01/30/generation-y-social-networks/
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