Diet and acne

Diet and acne

Diet and acne

Info on the diet and acne connection

  • Q:

    Are diet and acne related?


    The only real answer we have at this point in our research is we don't know for sure. More research is needed.

  • Q:

    It seems like common sense that diet and acne would be related. But is there a scientific reason why they might be related?


    Diet has a direct effect on our body's insulin levels. Insulin is our master hormone and affects all of our other hormones, including our androgens (male hormones). Scientists heavily suspect that hormonal fluctuations, particularly in our androgen levels, can result in acne flare ups. Insulin also affects growth hormone and a host of other hormones which may be related to acne formation on a cellular level. It is hypothesized, yet unproven, that a diet which causes insulin spikes may affect the pathogenesis (development) of acne.

    The right diet may also be related to acne in positive ways. Eating a low glycemic diet rich in veggies, fruit, seafood, and grass-fed meat can help stabilize insulin levels, which theoretically may have an impact. Also, ingesting Omega-3 fats, such as fish oil, for instance, has been shown to be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent in our body. Since a big part of acne is inflammation, it makes theoretical sense that eating an anti-inflammatory diet would help.

  • Q:

    So why have doctors always said it's a myth?


    Quite honestly, calling the diet and acne connection a myth just happened to catch on as prevailing wisdom after two studies were released in 1969 and 1971. The 1969 study was aimed at determining whether chocolate and acne are related. Two groups were given chocolate bars. One group was given chocolate bars with zero cocoa content, and the other group was given chocolate bars with a huge cocoa content. The two groups fared equally well as far as their acne was concerned. However, the chocolate bars both had sugar, milk, etc. The study was only testing cocoa in particular. The 1971 study asked college students, "What do you think causes your acne?" and the students were then given lots of that food. However, the students' baseline diets were not measured, there was no control group, the data was not analyzed, and the lesion count was not presented. No other studies comparing diet and acne have been performed since these two, until very recently. Obviously, from these two studies we cannot conclude that diet and acne are not related. We simply do not have the science until we perform more research. In my opinion, it is premature to say diet and acne are, or are not, related.

    The recent study I referred to was performed in 2002. It was an epidemiological study and was published in the Archives of Dermatology. Dr. Cordain and Dr. Lindeberg studied indigenous tribes of hunter/gatherers, including 1200 Kitavan islanders off Papua New Guinea as well as a small group of Ache people in the remote jungle of Paraguay. There was zero incidence of acne in either population. Is this due to their diet? We are uncertain, but it is intriguing.

  • Q:

    So what are our next steps?


    We have a unique historical opportunity here at to share our own stories and move toward a greater consensus regarding diet and acne. Please keep sharing them on the . I'm also working on releasing a few new parts of the web site which will be more scientifically sound and user friendly so we can approach this topic in an empirical way. In the meantime while we try to figure out how diet and acne are related, appropriate topical can get acne under control for now.

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