5 tips for writing Adwords Ads

Ad text is an important part of creating an Adwords account. A good Ad text increases CTR, and increases quality score. Here are some tips on how to write better ads.

1. Keyword in title

Having your targeted keyword in the title is very important because it will show up bold (Google highlights the used search terms in its sponsored links). In competitive industries, everybody else will show up bold, so you need to show up bold to compete. In industries where there is not much competition, having a bold title will help you stand out from the other ads.

2. One line for unique selling point, one line for call to action

The first line in your ad should be a unique selling point about your offer or product. It should differentiate you from other ads, and explain to customers why your product is best. The second line should ask the customer to act on that information.

3. Keyword in body

The keyword in the body of the ad increases relevance both, and once again, it gets bolded.

4. Revise on a set schedule

When writing ads, always write two ads and A/B test them. On a monthly basis (or more if you have high volumes, less if you have low volume), check to see which ad is performing better. Delete the losing ad, and make another variation of the winning ad. Doing this every month is the best way to increase your CTR.

5. Keyword in Display URL

Noticing a pattern here? Once again, the keyword increases relevance both in the customers mind and in Googles mind. Also, it gets bolded! Use either a subdomain (keyword.yourdomain.com) or a folder (yourdomain.com/keyword). People debate over whether having a www in front of the display URL helps or hinders. I’ve yet to find any substantiative evidence of it, but its worth testing for yourself!

Hopefully this article has given you some ideas on how to increase the performance of your Google Ads.

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